Carden Academy of Whittier Presents:
"A Night Under the Stars" Gala
Saturday May 16, 2020
9215 La Alba
Whittier, CA 90603
5:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Dear Carden Academy of Whittier Families, Alumni, and Friends:
We cordially invite you to join us as we celebrate Carden Academy's "A Night Under the Stars" Gala on Saturday, March 28, 2020. We will be extremely grateful if you would join us for what will certainly be a wonderful evening of food, fun, and friendship.
The cost will be $75.00 per person which will include: live entertainment, dinner, and a $5.00 raffle ticket (for the $500.00 raffle). There will be a no host bar available. Payment may be cash, Zelle, or check payable to Carden Academy. We are aware that many of you own businesses or work for businesses that are interested in donating toward this type of fundraising event. We would be honored to showcase your company's products or services. The donor's names will be placed in our Gala program. We also have sponsorship opportunities available. We are in the process of creating a non-profit foundation and will be able to provide letters with a tax ID by the end of 2020.
On behalf of the students and staff of Carden Academy of Whittier, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your involvement in making this a special event. We thank you for your support of our school, and we look forward to seeing everyone.
Minerva Carrion
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities
Bronze sponsor
silver Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Platinum sponsor
(Includes a reserved table and 6 tickets to the event)
Dessert sponsor
Valet Sponsor
Place your logo on one side of the valet ticket
Live Auction Paddle Sponsor
Place your logo on one side of the paddle
Banner Sponsor
2 - 3 x 8, banners available will hang during event and for 1 month at school
Food Sponsor
or $1,500.00 sponsors, includes table cloth with signage on 6 ft table
Fund A NEED:
Meet the Masters Art Program: $3,000.00
IXL - Computer Program: $2,000.00
Apple TV: $800.00 Each
Computer for Computer Lab: $500.00