The Carden Method
Miss Mae Carden, nationally known educator and author of The Carden Method®, developed and independently published the curriculum now used throughout the United States. The Carden Method® is a vital educational philosophy with proven teaching techniques applied to a curriculum concerned with the development of the whole child. Miss Carden presented the American language in such a way that her students would gain an understanding of their own language and attain the ability to use it correctly when reading, speaking, or expressing their thoughts in written form. Her goal was to teach children to think; her main techniques were analysis and rhythm, and her methods were later incorporated into and became part of what is known as the Carden Method.
Using a highly individualized approach, Carden Academy of Whittier meets each student’s particular needs. Children receive the well-rounded education they need to achieve their full potential in life.

- Mae Carden
Real education develops sound judgment and requires practical application of knowledge in all aspects of learning and in every phase of life. A collection of miscellaneous facts is not an education.